A glimpse Into the Future: Anticipated Developments in the Next Decade
The focus of discussion for many individuals tends to revolve around the symptoms of a given system, as this is often the extent of their knowledge and comprehension. Nevertheless, individuals possessing superintelligence are presented with a vast and intriguing arena for exploration and engagement. The trajectory of our society is leading us towards a future characterized by the emergence of a Global Brain, rendering political thought mostly inconsequential. In the near future, the existing conception of the modern world will be surpassed by a novel framework that effectively governs our personal and professional endeavors.
It is anticipated that a considerable number of global governments will embrace Universal Basic Income (UBI) as a result of the extensive utilization of Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly language models (LLMs) like OpenAI's ChatGPT. These advancements have the ability to devalue human labor. It is anticipated that the adoption of this technology will result in a substantial decrease in the amount of labor hours needed by humans, while also providing universal availability of vital resources like food, water, and electricity for no expense. ChatGPT and Large Language Models symbolize the preliminary indications of a significant event, akin to the early waves that precede the imminent approach of a tsunami. The emergence of superhuman artificial intelligence (AGI) is anticipated to catalyze a significant transformation in the course of human history. This critical juncture will symbolize the shift from humans being perceived as the most cognitively advanced species on the planet to a conceivable situation in which the preservation of human existence may be at risk. This phenomena is usually denoted as the *Singularity* within academic discourse.
The prevailing viewpoint posits that the present technology has a strong probability of significantly displacing around 90% of the current workforce within a span of 15 years. In the foreseeable future, various white-collar professions, including but not limited to company management, legal professionals, accounting practitioners, financial and insurance specialists, consultants, and computer programmers, may potentially encounter the possibility of being replaced by artificial intelligence (AI) agents within a span of ten years.
We are currently witnessing a significant economic transformation that rivals the magnitude of the agricultural revolution. Perhaps, within the context of human history. Currently, we find ourselves in a transitional phase. Initially, companies are employing procedures to standardize job responsibilities and diminish personal autonomy. Furthermore, the elimination of agency inside corporate processes results in the generation of uniform performance. After eliminating agency and standardizing performance, the further progression towards substituting workers with AI and robots becomes a straightforward and rational course of action. Historically, the displacement of human employees by technology has concurrently given rise to novel employment opportunities that were previously nonexistent. However, what are the implications when the time comes where computers and robots possess the capability to perform nearly all tasks at a lower cost and with more efficiency than humans? Please refer to the following source for further information: http://www.strikemag.org/bullshit-jobs/
Artificial intelligence in medicine
It is projected that during the next five years, a considerable number of healthcare professionals will be replaced by intelligent medical computing platforms, as these platforms demonstrate enhanced performance and contribute to improved clinical results. The implementation of the proposed system necessitates the participation of a nurse or other primary care professionals in the collection of biological samples. Subsequently, the intelligent medical platform would independently do duties such as imaging and blood tests, ultimately producing a precise diagnosis. The capacity of artificial intelligence (AI) to evaluate extensive datasets is a crucial aspect of its efficacy within the healthcare sector. The lack of substantial response or concern within the medical industry is a notable observation when considering the frequent occurrence of outstanding studies with unexpected findings.
There is a pressing need for the implementation of a comprehensive worldwide initiative focused on preventive healthcare and the promotion of public well-being. This initiative should incorporate annual health screenings aimed at ensuring the safety and vitality of individuals, fostering cognitive awareness, and, significantly, enabling effective long-term planning. A proposed approach involves establishing accessible and cost-effective healthcare clinics, akin to the model employed by Walmart, which would provide comprehensive basic care services I can see a lot of internal medicine jobs going away. Surgeons too will mostly be replaced once we get very good robots. You will just need two or so surgeons in each department to act as a supervisor.
The term "Big Data" is commonly used in diverse settings. In the realm of health information, it is anticipated that Big Data would involve the intelligent amalgamation of extensive data sets derived from the "Internet of things" with smaller-scale data pertaining to an individual's activities, mood, and other relevant information. When appropriately processed, this dataset has the potential to provide valuable information at both a macro level, pertaining to population health, and a micro level, resembling a personalized 'check engine light' system akin to 'OnStar for the Body'. This system can aid in identifying individual health issues before they progress into costly, challenging to manage, or life-threatening illnesses. SyNeural, the company I am affiliated with, is currently engaged in the pursuit of the following objectives.
Artificial intelligence everywhere within five years
One can also bid farewell to the multitude of government bureaucrats, accountants, programmers and similar occupations. Farewell to the paralegals, research-oriented lawyers, anyone involved in finance (including traders and analysts), and potentially, in the future, automotive mechanics and actors. The future prospects of these professions are limited. Individuals who depend on traditional 9-to-5 employment structures as their primary means of sustenance are expected to experience the greatest negative impact throughout the era of automation. Individuals that possess an entrepreneurial mindset and demonstrate the ability to employ innovative approaches through the utilization of automation and technology are expected to have ongoing success in an environment where economic operations are progressively shifting towards digitalization. The limited employment opportunities that will persist for humans are primarily those that are intrinsically esteemed for their human element, such as artists, diplomats, therapists, and sex workers.
However, it is worth considering the situation in China, which is often seen as the destination for several manufacturing employment. Indeed, it is accurate to assert that China has experienced a growth in manufacturing employment within the last 15 years. However, it is currently undergoing a transition towards advanced robotic automation. Foxconn, the prominent manufacturer of the iPhone and various other consumer electronics, as well as being the largest private employer in China, has outlined its intentions to deploy more than one million manufacturing robots over a span of three years. Therefore, it can be argued that the practice of off-shoring production will ultimately be superseded by the implementation of advanced robotic automation driven by human intelligence. The relentless pursuit of cost reduction in manufacturing through the utilization of exploitative labor practices will inevitably encounter diminishing opportunities for further exploitation. In due course, economically prosperous nations, characterized by inhabitants who own substantial productive capital potential, will inevitably encounter the necessity to relocate their manufacturing capacity domestically, leading to the proliferation of increasingly affordable automated manufacturing processes.
It is imperative to undertake economic preparations in anticipation of the forthcoming shift, wherein any occupation that is susceptible to automation and does not necessitate human interaction will be substituted by machines in a more cost-effective and efficient manner. Capitalism, akin to other economic models, fulfills two essential economic requirements of society: the imperative to incentivize wealth creation and the imperative to allocate the generated wealth. Capitalism fulfills these demands through two techniques. This concept establishes a connection between labor and compensation, as well as between ownership and financial gain. As the pace of technological progress accelerates, there is a consequential displacement of labor, so disrupting the first mechanism. However, our current system lacks the capacity to properly incentivize productivity or equitably distribute wealth through the ownership/profit framework. Instead, it heavily relies on the work/pay framework. Consequently, without a fundamental shift in our economic model, we cannot depend on the ownership/profit mechanism as a viable alternative.
The Global Brain hypothesis is a prominent theoretical framework that seeks to elucidate the ongoing evolution of the human system. In recent times, the Global Brain Institute has conducted interdisciplinary research that has established a prospective conceptual structure for contemplating the future of human society in light of the anticipated development of a global brain in the current century. However, these economic proposals will only provide a limited duration of reprieve.
Although I do not personally align with socialist ideologies, it may be argued that in an automated system, a mild form of socialism emerges as the most feasible economic system. A potential solution to reduce the number of hours worked is to allocate approximately 20 hours to distribute among current employment commitments. The proposed system entails the implementation of a base wage, which would be funded through levies imposed on producers. In addition to this base wage, a market-based mechanism would be established to incentivize individuals to receive compensation for their labor and educational achievements. The reduction in aggregate demand and the ethical dilemma surrounding excessive profits earned by individuals utilizing automation to offer products and services pose significant challenges. The efficacy of socialism in its unadulterated state is limited due to its inability to incentivize educational pursuits, foster efficiency, or encourage discretionary exertion. Machines do not possess the inherent need for motivation, therefore upholding capitalist ideas while implementing shorter workdays may contribute to the sustained progression of the economy.
We can also make a modest adjustment in our economic framework, specifically transitioning from publicly traded stocks to cooperatives, we have the potential to shift from the existing concentration of wealth to a more equitable redistribution of wealth. This transition, although already present to some extent in the current economy, has not been widely adopted. Importantly, this proposed change can be achieved without necessitating an increase in taxes or infringing upon the fundamental property rights that are highly valued within our cultural context, thereby avoiding any form of unethical appropriation. One fundamental element that sets cooperatives apart from publicly traded stocks is the restriction on individual shareholding, whereby each person is limited to owning a maximum of one share in the company, and each share carries equal significance. This phenomenon promotes a more equitable distribution of dividends and control, thereby mitigating the inherent concentration of wealth and power within the existing system.
There would still be ample opportunity to accumulate wealth, albeit through the establishment and expansion of a private enterprise, and potentially through the subsequent public offering of cooperative shares. This process, initiated by the founder of the company, can be regarded as a fundamentally innovative and productive endeavor. In contrast, the current method of wealth accumulation primarily involves acquiring assets and leveraging them to obtain additional assets. This approach, characterized by strategic maneuvering, disproportionately benefits individuals who already possess wealth, rather than those who genuinely earn it, thereby favoring the acquisition of more wealth.
Technology is considered a viable means to eradicate labor-intensive tasks, resulting in a reduced demand for human resources in the production of goods and services within society. In order to achieve equitable income distribution, it is necessary to expand the scope of individual ownership of productive capital assets generated within a growing economy. This would enable a larger portion of the population to receive dividend income, which is fully compensated, through their ownership stakes in the firms responsible for generating our Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Luxury living
One intriguing aspect of the future is to the potential provision of luxury living conditions for a group of 10-20 individuals, contingent upon their waste levels, through the utilization of approximately 40 kilowatts of continuous energy. In alternative terms, individuals have the potential to generate financial gains by capitalizing on the aspirations of others to engage in leisure activities, invest in experiential pursuits, or simply seek a modest level of comfort. Following the first investment in solar panels, it is anticipated that the modest gooseberry farm retreats and health spa experiences would transform into luxurious retirement towns.
The global scale of our world is vast, offering abundant resources and ample financial opportunities for various endeavors. However, it is noteworthy that many individuals possessing significant wealth often face constraints in terms of time and creative vision, hindering their ability to effectively utilize their financial resources in ventures that are both low-risk and meticulously planned.
That's why I like being a scientist / engineer.. Nothing better than turning a bit of sand into a cellphone or semiconductor used in a cellphone or computer. High grade “sand” silicon is turned into crystal ingots and then into slices of silicon wafers, then they get photomasks while gases get turned into line traces and tiny structures that perform logic when electrons flow through them along the metal traces. What a racket, turning sand into gold. Makes me realize how good I am at playing with money... that thing I refused to do because I had too much intelligence and not enough humanity to care. And honestly money just zaps your growth/maturity level to that of a set of rules and no real understanding of the details beyond those rules you setup.
The existence we are seeing formed right now has the potential to be endless. We’re within grasp of DNA recoding and stasis coding on top of the animal DNA that formed us. We’re going to have a few dozen versions of this “stasis” coding before it comes close to a continuum level of stabilization and the results will be interesting to see.
I see a lot of people getting sex from robots or living out their days in synthetic virtual environments. We are approaching a point in time, likely within the next ten years, where computers will possess the capability to generate a synthetic virtual world that includes a DNA simulator for various organisms, including animals, viruses, bacteria, fungus, and the intricate interplay of genetic codes within them. It is possible that the development of a highly advanced simulator, comparable to the level depicted in the Matrix, may need a time frame of approximately twenty years, during which meticulous attention to detail and the incorporation of complex energy dynamics would be necessary.
A global-brain-dominated society could potentially be a human utopia. Careful development of technology aimed at making human life easier – cheap power and food, effective medical care, and so forth – could enable the complete rearrangement of human society. Perhaps Earth could be covered by a set of small city-states, each one populated by like-minded individuals, living in a style of their choice. Liberated from economic need, and protected by the Steward from assault by nature or other humans, the humans under the Steward’s watch could live far more happily than in any prior human society. Free will, within the restrictions imposed by the Steward, could be refined and exercised copiously, perhaps in the manner of Buddhist “mind control.” And growth could occur spectacularly in non-dangerous directions, such as philosophy, music and art.
The prospective trajectory of the food industry
In the foreseeable future, it is anticipated that advancements in scientific knowledge will enable the customization of food products to suit individual microbiomes. Additionally, the development of food production appliances equipped with sensors capable of electrochemical analysis holds promise for ensuring the nutritional quality of food by detecting the presence of pesticides, antibiotics, and other potentially harmful substances. These technological innovations have the potential to contribute to the maintenance of optimal bodily health.
These days, science may have dissected almost every element of our diet, but many can't connect the dots. Even when sticking to official advice, healthy foods that seem to energize one person can cause another to feel fatigued and bloated. A few years ago, a team of scientists from Israel tracked blood sugar levels in the blood of 800 people over several days, making the surprising discovery that individuals’ biological response to identical foods varied wildly. Some people had a blood glucose ‘spike’ after eating sugary ice cream, while others’ glucose levels only increased with starchy rice – a finding at odds with conventional wisdom. Our bodies’ idiosyncratic handling of nutrients seems to be down to our microbiome and variations in our organs’ internal physiology. Clinical trials have given us general dietary guidelines, but nutrition research tends to assume all humans are the same, and so can miss the nuances and specific needs of the individual.
In the next 10 years, the emerging field of ‘personalized nutrition’ will use microbiome tests to fill in those gaps to offer healthy eating guidance tailored to the individual. Some companies, so-called ‘nutrigenetics services’, already test your DNA and offer dietary advice – but the advice can be hit-and-miss. By 2030, we will understand much more about our microbiome. We'll be able to tell you what kinds of fruits, what kinds of vegetables and what kinds of wholegrains you should be choosing, or exactly how often.
2035-2039 - Restaurants will see their costs soar alongside their inventory of empty tables. Many restaurants and upscale fast food chains will close. Our kitchens will slowly become their own entity, preparing meals without our own hands and leaving us with minimal work to do. One of the more ground-breaking new kitchen appliances is the 3D food printer.
We'll be able to model chemical data (taste) on computers with a few clicks of a mouse. Bioinformatics can improve the toxicological assessment of food making it even better. Bioinformatics will gradually expand the current trend of personalized choice in the food industry to allow consumers to match their food product choices with their own personal health. Consumers will have food devices in their homes that can make anything they want 24/7 a week. Thank of a nice food bar and something to drink. Of course taste will be 20x better than anything you can imagine.
By 2040 food should be different from anything you have tasted before. New flavors arrive unpredictably as food manufacturers create new products. Palo Alto ;) – well known for attracting the brightest minds – is becoming the global hub for food innovation. A start-up currently making waves is Impossible Foods, which has created a meat-free burger that sizzles in the pan, tastes like meat and ‘bleeds’. Designed to be sustainable and environmentally friendly, the patties are made with wheat protein, coconut oil, potato protein, and flavorings. The secret ingredient is heme – the oxygen-carrying molecule that makes both meat and blood red – and seems to give meat much of its flavor. The heme that Impossible Foods uses has been extracted from plants and produced using fermentation. It’s a growth industry, with competitors such as Beyond Meat and Moving Mountains cooking up similar burgers, and plans are afoot for plant-based steaks and chicken. It doesn’t stop there, however: other start-ups are pioneering animal-free milk and egg whites. Expect to get used to the new tastes of meat-free meat and dairy-free dairy.
New Financial system
Central Bank Digital Currencies are about to revolutionize the financial world! It was recently revealed that the new digital dollar prototype would be introduced in the United States over the next few months. China also has a digital-only currency. It's known as the e-RMB. The renminbi, abbreviated as RMB, is the official currency of China. The People's Bank of China intends to launch the e-RMB, a crypto-inspired version of the renminbi, across the country. It will use a variant of blockchain in combination with a digital wallet app on devices to send and receive e-RMB.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are the digital equivalents of the fiat currencies that people use in their everyday lives. CBDC, on the other hand, has the potential to significantly improve the development of a country's monetary policies while also deterring crime and poverty. Physical cash gives you anonymity because it’s offline. When you transact with dollar bills, only you and the other party have to know about it. But the only way to spend, receive, and store Digital Currencies will be via an app on your smartphone and all transactions will be recorded in a centralized database.
Governments may use state-sponsored digital currencies to restrict how much money people can have or what they can spend each dollar on. This would allow greater oversight and real-time changes, greatly improving state policies. Most countries need at least a couple of months to comprehend the current macroeconomic situation. This makes it much more difficult for policymakers to plan their economies effectively.
Key benefits
• It widens the range of options for monetary policy: Implementing digital cash can allow new monetary policy tools to be used. If digital cash is used to completely replace physical cash, this could allow interest rates to be lowered below the zero lower bound. Alternatively, digital cash can be used as a tool to increase aggregate demand by making ‘helicopter drops’ of newly created digital cash to all citizens, making it easier to meet monetary policy target of price stability.
• It can make the financial system safer: Allowing individuals, private sector companies, and non-bank financial institutions to settle directly in central bank money (rather than bank deposits) significantly reduces the concentration of liquidity and credit risk in payment systems. This in turn reduces the systemic importance of large banks. In addition, by providing a genuinely risk-free alternative to bank deposits, a shift from bank deposits to digital cash reduces the need for government guarantees on deposits, eliminating a source of moral hazard from the financial system.
• It can encourage competition and innovation in the payment systems: The regulatory framework proposed would make it significantly easier for new entrants to the payments sector to offer payment accounts and provide competition to the existing banks. It would also reduce the need for most smaller banks and non-banks to run their payments through the larger banks (who are able to set transaction fees at a level that disadvantages their smaller competitors).
• It can help address the implications of alternative finance upon money creation and distribution: Non-banks, such as peer-to-peer lenders, are competing with banks and taking on a larger share of total lending. This has implications for money creation and distribution. When a bank makes a loan, it creates new deposits for the borrower. But when a peer-to-peer lending firm makes a loan, it simply transfers pre-existing deposits from a saver to a borrower; no new money is created. By proactively issuing digital cash, the Central Banks can compensate for any shift in lending away from money-creating banks, and the subsequent fall in money creation.
• It can improve financial inclusion: The firms providing Digital Cash Accounts would be payment service providers first and foremost, whereas banks are primarily lenders. Digital Cash Account Providers are therefore likely to offer accounts to those customers that are excluded from conventional banking services.
Banks of the future wouldn't be scams
What banks do is generally a scam... they should be replaced by a future-credit system that is available with risk and reward equalizing insurance. When individuals seek financial support from others through loans or similar means, they assume a certain level of risk. This risk is typically determined by the risk category or level, which indicates the likelihood of not achieving significant future gains due to the need to allocate funds towards covering defaults within the loan risk level. In other words, those who obtain loans in lower risk categories do not contribute to the repayment of loans in higher risk categories. The current practice of banks, which involves distributing risk across all individuals associated with banks, stands in contrast to its inverse. The practice of banks might be perceived as a form of "managed insurance" scam, since it is argued that they should be obligated to establish insurance parameters and risk profile pools for the loans they issue. By decreasing the magnitude of high-risk investments and enhancing individuals' awareness of associated hazards, society will experience greater prosperity and be better equipped to focus on future endeavors.
Shawn Alahah
Los Altos, Ca
Cement energy
A group of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a method to fabricate a supercapacitor by combining cement, the primary binding component of concrete, with carbon black, a finely powdered form of charcoal, and water. This combination has the ability to enable a residential dwelling to store an entire day's worth of energy within its structural base. Consequently, it could serve as a promising avenue towards achieving an effective renewable energy storage alternative that does not depend on the extraction of scarce Earth metals. According to the experts, it is suggested that roads constructed with this particular material have the potential to wirelessly charge electric vehicles. Additionally, windmills might utilize their base to store the energy they generate.
Batteries and capacitors serve the common purpose of energy storage; nevertheless, they employ distinct mechanisms to accomplish this task. The former mechanism involves the linear distribution of energy through a chemical process, whereas capacitors release energy intermittently by storing it as an electric field.
Supercapacitors capitalize on this capability by exhibiting significantly higher energy delivery rates compared to conventional batteries. However, this advantage is accompanied by a notable limitation: the absence of a gradual discharge mechanism like to that of lithium-ion batteries.
The researchers have successfully developed a cementitious material characterized by a significantly elevated internal surface area, which may be attributed to the presence of many layers of conductive components incorporated into its structure. To generate the intricate carbon network, a mere three percent of carbon per volume is sufficient for the mixture.
According to the researchers, it was determined that a block with a volume of approximately 1,600 cubic feet (equivalent to 45 cubic meters) has the capacity to store approximately 10 kilowatt-hours of energy, which is approximately the average amount of electricity consumed by a typical family.
In the conducted experiments, the researchers initiated the process by creating a compact supercapacitor with a voltage of 1 volt, exhibiting dimensions comparable to those of a button-cell battery. It was observed that a cluster of three such supercapacitors possessed the capability to supply sufficient power to illuminate light-emitting diodes (LEDs).
The researchers are currently conducting experiments involving various combinations of the material in order to maximize the efficiency of energy storage and release.
Numerous inquiries persist regarding the feasibility of this application, such as its ability to withstand adverse weather conditions or its susceptibility to erosion over extended periods. Nevertheless, this utilization of a material with a longstanding history spanning millennia is undeniably captivating.
According to sources, when immersed in a specialized saline solution, it is suggested that the resultant substance may exhibit characteristics like to those of a high-performance supercapacitor.
Shawn Alahah
Los Altos, Ca
Cancer treatments of the future
If a cancer cure was discovered today that completely dismantled the cancer treatment system, the medical establishment would have no choice to fight it unless they were ready to lose tens of thousands of jobs and billions in revenue. In the future, cancer treatment may potentially involve the administration of antibiotics and adherence to a diet devoid of animal protein to facilitate recovery once the specific bacteria or virus involved is identified.
it is probable that individuals with particular blood types and specific bacteria who engage in a particular type of carbohydrate consumption multiply bacterial proliferation that invades the pancreas. This invasion diminishes the pancreas' capacity to regulate blood sugar levels, ultimately resulting in the development of cancer. This is achieved by directly impeding the maturation of islet cells, thereby leaving the body in a perpetual state of heightened stem cell signaling. Consequently, an increased number of mature islet cells are induced, leading to heightened activity of stem cells until a subset of them undergo malignant transformation.
Another potential approach would involve implementing a gradual cleansing of the intestines using green tea extract (GTE). However, it is important to note that the success of this intervention would rely on precise understanding of the specific bacteria responsible for the islet cell maturation blocking effect, an area where current researchers lack comprehensive knowledge. In the event of successful determination, the subsequent course of action would involve a three-week administration of antibiotics, followed by a period dedicated to recuperation. It is conceivable that there exists a viral "multiplier effect" which might potentially stimulate the reproduction of cancer cells. In such a scenario, it would be necessary to eliminate the bacteria that disrupts the immune system, followed by the administration of specific inhibitors to impede viral proliferation. Followed by no-animal protein diet for about half a year! Of course any cancer that has metastasized has a huge number of cells supporting its spread, that’s a hard and difficult disease to treat even with chemo. Like seriously the doctors and researchers need to stop messing around and do better research.
A substantial quantity of bacteria has been discovered to facilitate the development of colon cancer. Specifically, the presence of certain oral bacteria, which are detrimental to dental health, has been associated with an increased risk of developing an aggressive form of colon cancer. Approximately 50% of cases of colon cancer are associated with the presence of a certain type of bacteria in the intestinal tract. Many medical practitioners may opt for invasive surgical procedures and chemotherapy treatments, despite the potential efficacy of a simpler approach using antibiotics and no-animal protein diets for the purpose of recuperation.
However, it is crucial to identify the specific bacteria involved; otherwise, the situation is akin to a visually impaired someone urinating into a receptacle, presuming it to be a toilet, or even worse, a visually impaired individual providing directions to another visually impaired individual towards a non-functional toilet that they both believe to be a toilet.
Shawn Alahah
Los Altos, Ca
The emerging field of ‘neurogastronomy’ brings together our latest understanding of neurology and food science and will be a big player in 2030 dining with aromatic mists, subtle sound effects and controlled lighting, all optimized to make your steak and chips taste better than you thought possible. At home, augmented reality headsets that superimpose digital imagery on the real world could offer a tranquil seascape for a fish dish, or the wilds of Texas for barbecued ribs. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is designing implantable ‘neural interfaces’ that aim to boost human senses by transmitting high-resolution audiovisual information, and potentially smells and tastes, directly to the brain.
In 2045 food should be guilt free. Today around 40 per cent of all adults are overweight or fat and every single nation on Earth is getting fatter. Obesity-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, are soaring on a trajectory that will cripple many health services. A short-term solution is to re-engineer calorific ‘junk’ food to have less fat, sugar, salt and fewer calories, while still giving the same satisfaction. There are artificial sweeteners, but they can have unpleasant side effects and can’t be cooked as sugar can. Low-calorie sugar substitutes, such as sugar-alcohols like sorbitol, taste like the real thing but cause flatulence and diarrhea if eaten excessively. But food technologists have managed to coat inert mineral particles with sugar, increasing the surface area that contacts the tongue, so that less sugar can be used to provide the same sweetness.
In the longer term, fine-tuning our biology could allow us to eat without guilt. Few people realize that our appetite is precisely regulated. Overeat on a Monday, and you usually eat less on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our hunger is usually set to a level almost identical to the number of calories we need. Unfortunately, the hunger ‘thermostat’ is set a little too high, by an average of about 0.4 per cent (or 11 calories a day). Left to our own devices, we will each tend to eat an extra peanut’s worth of calories each day. That doesn’t sound like much, but it adds up to nearly half a kilogramme weight gain each year. Our unfortunate tendency to develop ‘middle-aged spread’ has presumably evolved as an insurance against the next famine.
The hunt is on to nudge the appetite set point down by 11 calories or more. Many hormones swirl around the blood to tell us when to eat and when to stop. One hormone, CCK, is released by the gut when food enters it, making us feel full. Another hormone, leptin, is released by body fat and apparently tells the body when our fat stores are adequate. It’s a complex picture and attempts at manipulating individual hormone levels have been unsuccessful. Everyone is hoping that we will soon untangle the web of brain-hormone messages and managed to devise supplements, foods or medicine that can make a tiny tweak to the dial.
This could be a huge problem as some retards make antibodies that attacks or block some protein that happens to control people’s anger and inhibitions and maybe a blood thirsty rage — unbalance the thyroid hormone production (Hyperthyroidism) for that aggression level, but blood thirsty rage is harder... definitely have to increase adrenaline and drop norepinephrine too... definitely going to take an accidental combo there. I’d be fine with one of Moderna’s mRNA coded vaccines but not more than one and definitely not a series of them.
Researchers are currently devising nanoparticles that give delayed bursts of flavor in the mouth, and earlier this year, a team of chemists created tiny magnetic particles that bind to and remove off-tasting flavour compounds in red wine while preserving its full aroma. The foods we eat are always evolving and new tastes are being created. By 2030, you can expect to be tucking into foods unlike anything you’ve experienced before.