Monastery Saint Naum of Ohrid

Написано 7 years 6 months назад пользователем vlado.mitev.

Monastery Saint Naum of Ohrid

The monastery was built on a high cliff above Lake Ohrid on the ultimate south point in a place with rare natural beauty. This monastery is one of the most significant spiritual monuments of medieval Macedonian past. Building of this monastery is connected to the name of Saint Naum who was working with Saint Kliment (Clement), they are the most famous educators of the Macedonian People. The church is dedicated to The Council of the Saints Archangel, which was built by Saint Naum in 905. And it was same with the monastery of Saint Clement in Plaoshnik as t the shape and size. The Saint Naum’s grave is in it, walled up in the southeast part of the narthex, at the same place as the Saint Klimet grave in his monastery in Ohrid. The church foundation was built in a form of trefoil (a clover leaf). It was completely destroyed from the 10th to the 12th century. Then it was built the present church on the existing foundation in the 16th century. The dome over the church was built in the second half of the 17th century, and the last significant restoration was performed at the end of 18th century. The inscription, which is over western entrance, says that the church painting was performed during the period of the abbot Stevan in 1806. The chapel with Naum’s Tomb was also painted then.