Makedonium - Krushevo
Написано 7 years 6 months назад пользователем vlado.mitev.
The complex of monuments called Ilinden is also known as Makedonium, and it is one of the most remarkable monuments in Krushevo as well as in Macedonia. The monument was opened on the 2nd of August 1974, on the celebration of the 30th anniversary of ASNOM and the 71st anniversary of Ilinden Uprising. It is located in the vicinity of Krushevo, in the community of Gumenje. The monument represents four platforms and it symbolizes the disobeying, struggle and the eternal endeavor of the Macedonian people for freedom and independent state.
The complex occupies a territory of 12 hectares and Makedonium is situated at the highest points so it ends with the Dome placed at the altitude of 1320 meters. From that point, there is an outstanding view towards all four sides: Krushevo, Sliva, Mechkin Kamen and Pelagonia. The inner part of the Dome is impressive with its relief, stained glass with the eternal fame and the sounds of the oratorio “The Sun of the Primeval State” composed by Toma Proshev.