We have the Holy Grail of health science

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We have the Holy Grail of health science

This week, history will be made. After conducting extensive study for almost 14 years, I am delighted to announce that we are approaching the final stages of the development process for a program aimed at resetting the microbiota and managing biofilm formation. This program is designed to eliminate detrimental bacteria and restore equilibrium to the gut microbiota, hence optimizing overall performance. This will be the most significant transformation in the field of medicine in almost a century! Pathogenic bacteria are responsible for the development of several disorders such as schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder, Celiac disease, Crohn's disease, and Parkinson's disease. These conditions are often associated with the activation of genes that target and destroy microorganisms, but inadvertently inflict significant harm. The vast majority of state-of-the-art scientific research indicates that the gut is the primary origin of all issues and health difficulties in both persons and society.

I've started seeking volunteers for clinical trials of this groundbreaking therapeutic technique. If this proves successful, it will be the most significant scientific advancement in history. For many individuals, it has the potential to reinstate optimal health within a span of one to two months. Individuals will see immediate advantages such as improved skin, gastrointestinal well-being, weight reduction, increased vitality, and further benefits within a span of two weeks.

A little background. 

Your body is full of billions of bacteria, viruses and fungi. They are collectively referred to as the microbiome. While some bacteria are associated with disease, others are actually extremely essential for your immune system, your heart, your weight, and many other aspects of your health. The knowledge of the Gut / microbiome is evolving at an increasing rate, and more and more scientists are becoming aware of the profound connections between our gut and our mental health and our overall well-being. As well as extracting energy from our food, the gut accounts for most of our immune system and generates more than two dozen hormones that affect everything from our appetite to our mood. Healthy individuals and their microbiomes share significant similarities. 

Your gut can decide how much energy your body absorbs from the food you eat; it can regulate the signs of hunger; it can help you decide which food you want; and it can determine how much your blood sugar spikes in reaction to a meal. In other words, your microbiome can make you fat, make you feel unhappy, or make you healthy and happy, depending on your eating habits.

So resetting your gut flora and eliminating bad bacteria/biofilms, viruses and fungi are vital for a healthy, long life. A lot of nasty viruses reprogram the immune system and, depending on which one, reside in crucial places of the body to avoid the more active immune system cells, usually the spinal cord, eyeballs, or testicles. I'm not sure yet, but I believe viruses employ reduced calcium and selenium levels to suppress immune cells. Calcium is the localized key that cells use to summon immune cells, thus vitamin D, which allows the body to absorb calcium from meals and remove calcium from bones, is required

Basic Ingredients

The nutrient deficiencies are pathogenic specific, biofilm specific or region of the biofilm in the intestines specific. Selenium is used to regulate the antioxidant glutathione, thus it is also crucial. Magnesium is pretty important and needs to be taken during rebalancing. Along with b vitamins, which are like financial currency for microorganisms in the stomach. When taking D, subjects should consume almonds and other calcium-rich foods to ensure optimum performance. It is important to monitor calcium levels while administering vitamin D treatments in order to enhance calcium levels for vitamin D. 

Tomato juice once a week for two meals in a row is good enough to clear out the bad bacteria including the type that give people pneumonia and some other ones too. Typhoid fever inducing subspecies but the same goes for quite a few salmonella bacteria that are known to alter the immune system etc. Salmonella bacteria is known to cause neurological changes overnight in some children, mimicking autism or seizures when it causes the immune system to attack the neural tissue due to how the bacteria tries to hide using a camouflage technique that mimics other tissue types.

We occasionally employ elderberry extract and echinacea extract in a combination drink to decrease bacterial development when covid is present. Covid-19 is able to bind to the available selenium and block the body’s normal means of regulating the glutathione antioxidant production levels that then caused the body to shutdown cellular energy use… aka then the virus did the damage. Causing kidneys to barely functioned, well the reabsorption of magnesium and calcium not functioning.

If the subject becomes too hungry or is unable to tolerate alcohol/wine, we will utilize oregano oil and carbs to eliminate the "Hunger" bacteria or liver fungal.

The key ingredient

First we tried Green tea extract (EGCG) in its pure form to clear out bacteria biofilms at 1000mg per 100lbs. It takes out adenoviruses and bacteria at higher number of doses. Only some bacteria in the 3-4 range. EGCG is also a DNA synthesis inhibitor, enzyme activity increaser, and who knows what else. However, Green tea extract is risky without a lot of testing beforehand. Enter soil bacteria Laterosporus.

Laterosporus for a week is significantly safer and more effective than 12 hours of potential shock therapy for the gut from stronger cleaners such as green tea extract or medications like EDTA (Calcium Disodium EDTA). I'd have to significantly enhance the patient's health before using EGCG. I believe that using Laterosporus once a month for a week or so is a much better approach to manage/remove the fungal side of biofilms, especially because it does not expose the gut to all forms of additional bacteria as a result of a complete wipe of bacteria and fungi.

It eliminates biofilms by consuming fungi on which biofilms feed, similar to how green tea extract works. Soil bacterium cannot survive in the intestines for long because there are insufficient fungi to support it. Keeping bacteria diversity is key to keeping the biofilms at bay, keeping the bacteria instead of wiping it out seems to work and has been helpful to avoid new “weird” illnesses that we can’t identify. We had too many of those when we completely wiped out the gut with the egcg!

Bacterial biofilms

Unhealthy bacteria in the stomach can create unhealthy biofilms. One frequent type of biofilm is dental plaque, a sticky deposit of bacteria that accumulates on the surfaces of teeth. Pond scum is another example. Combining sugar and protein can form a biofilm, or mucus, in your intestines. A healthy biofilm is beneficial because it helps bind acids and toxins so they do not harm the body.

Healthy bacteria generate a biofilm that has anti-inflammatory qualities, aids in nutrient absorption, and lubricates the stomach. If your body cannot effectively absorb nutrients from the meals you consume, your overall physical and mental health suffers.

When your gut is unbalanced and full of dangerous bacteria, parasites, or yeast, the biofilm becomes so thick that it hinders nutrient absorption, protects disease-causing microorganisms, increases inflammation, and stores poisons.

Why create a biofilm?

Living in a biofilm provides some benefits to bacteria. Microbe communities are typically more stress-tolerant. Potential stressors include a shortage of water, high or low pH, or the presence of microorganism-toxic chemicals such as antibiotics, antimicrobials, or heavy metals.

The impenetrable biofilm

Certain antibiotics, however, can permeate the Extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) and pass through the layers of a biofilm. Another defensive mechanism to consider is the existence of physiologically dormant microorganisms. To operate properly, all antibiotics require some level of cellular activity. So, if bacteria are already physiologically quiescent, an antibiotic has little to disrupt.

Another route of antibiotic resistance is the presence of unique bacterial cells known as "persisters." These bacteria do not divide and are resistant to most antibiotics. According to a 2010 research published in the journal Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology, "persisters" act by generating molecules that inhibit antibiotic target sites.

In general, bacteria that form a biofilm benefit from the presence of other members of the community. As research has evolved, biofilms, both bacterial and fungal, have been linked to a number of health problems.

Bad bacteria is the root cause

Crohn's disease is two bacteria and a fungus, almost impenetrable biofilm that the immune system attacks but ends up destroying the intestine walls in the process because it's so sustained and aggressive attacking the biofilm.

Schizophrenia is a totally messed up intestine bacteria balances; affecting nickel transports, energy pathways, nutrient transport, repair, etc.

Parkinson's has been linked to the same C3 pathway (control pathway for enzyme tagging bacteria in the intestine and pruning synapses in the brain) as schizophrenia, autism, etc.
Celiac is linked to autism and M.S. (higher numbers of people have multiple diagnoses)

Apparently all the autism stuff might be caused by Bacteroides fragilis, known as a nasty bacteria in medicine https://neurosciencenews.com/asd-microbiome-25597/ this one is likely the culprits for the autism and continued gut infections, IBS! Highly specialized little buggers! Infectious ones! 

Bipolar is just a different area of the brain that gets damaged, corpus callosum (connects both sides of the brain), similar to schizophrenia in the brain's synapses are disappearing but genes seem to control which areas are more adversely affected by the higher pruning rates and/or damage from neural toxic effects of metals and less repair processes going on, lower energy available, etc.

Alzheimer's is a fungi difference, you can't get Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, you can get one or the other depending on the fungi and bacteria... very long setup time, two or more decades until symptoms show up.

Cardiovascular disease is just the fat deposits that are from bacteria, they feed off of nutrients and carbs and turn it into their “foreign” fats that cause the immune cells to induce all types of inflammation while they get rid of traces of a foreign substance... the inflammatory response does a lot of the damage because it’s supposed to be short term and is really bad if it keeps going... all that repair process is the underlying cause of the lack of skin cell formation that shows up as deep wrinkles, that’s what happens before the blood vessels harden and heart fails...

Multiple Sclerosis is literally the cholesterol wrapping around nerves (myelinated nerves for long distance signals to muscles) being recycled faster than deposited.

Systematically, the whole body's repair processes are being impaired in all of those diseases and diabetes, which has been shown to lead to earlier dementia too, so it gets lumped into these brain disorders now. Lower energy, chronic issues leads to brain and anxiety (immune system upregulated by norepinephrine hormone in the body, anxiety in the brain) issues.
Bad bacteria have to be removed.

Nobel prize winning stuff

Most physicians and researchers have an extremely limited knowledge of nutrition. Medical professionals are not required to complete a specific course in nutrition as part of their training, leading to a significantly restricted understanding of nutrition and its impact on the body. For example, Broccoli has a compound that helps improve glutamine levels in the brain... probably by helping the body handle bacteria in the gut within a few days of taking the extract, probably even better if you just eat broccoli with all the fiber it has too.

Glutamine builds up in the muscle tissue... it is the main amino acid in the free-amino-acid stores, a healthy level comes in at 50% of the stored amino acids... aka your body prioritizes it like it is gold!!! Because it is used for every cellular process, energy process, and energy byproduct removal process. Once it is replenished, you shouldn’t get sore muscles unless you workout like a mad monkey gym rat! Glutamine is actually best for you after a protein rich meal... take it about an hour after a complex meal or 40min after a protein shake. Body builders take 10-20g and something like their body weight in protein per day... just to give you an idea of what people do with it. Helps keep the muscles from getting sore during hard workout sets!

A nasty hangover means your liver didn’t have enough glutamine to handle the alcohol and brain cells are dying. H. Pylori only causes ulcers when you are low in glutamine, which means you either need that or your body is under other stresses that are burning it up..... That and Shingles are the early indications for low levels of glutamine, along with slower healing rates and muscle soreness with any workouts, which ultimately means your immune system is taxed to its limit...

Ask your avg doctor what causes the hypersensitivity in autism (sensory overwhelming impacts) and what causes old people not to be able to attend to one voice in a crowd? It’s the same nutrient that gets blocked by biofilms in the small intestines.

Also, which amino acid that is mainly stored in muscle tissue runs out after 10-12yrs of immune stress and muscle-wasting in pre-diabetes and that blocks keto acidosis from happening? Aka that keeps the body going until it runs out from the immune system cannibalizing the muscles and their amino acid stores to keep the immune system going, at which point they are diagnosed as diabetics due to experiencing keto acidosis because their body has eaten all of the amino acid from the muscles.

And why selenium is so important to the immune system (and every cell’s energy ATP usage) that covid-19 spike protein binds to it to disrupt immune system? Hint/answer: without selenium the body can regulate the production of glutathione (the same glutathione that causes mitochondria to get DNA damage when there isn’t enough antioxidants to bind to the oxidant from the ATP energy usage).

Here’s a good question on selenium, why does lower levels of selenium correlate to higher incidences of mercury poisoning? That’s one of those good nutrition facts that anyone who loves sushi should know but directly hits at the fact that treating and preventing diseases is tied to nutrition more than anything else.

Yes, the knowledge about cellular metabolism nutrients should have given every physician the ability to understand the likely cause of the extreme exhaustion found in their covid-19 patients and how the virus “evades” the immune system. If they understand the immune system from the nutrient dependencies perspective that is. Energy pathways are the same as the immune system’s regulating pathways.

The standard physician should know nutrition well enough to guess at the pathways that prevent diseases! Moreover, what electrolytes are dependent in the short term on vitamin D that give people headaches and lowers muscle strength and along with lowered magnesium levels results in heart attacks due to the muscles not being able to relax from their signal to contract? Magnesium deficiency is the main cause of sudden deaths btw, so why does it never get checked on admission to hospitals?

Also low magnesium levels results in the brain having the weirdest escapest-suicidal thought patterns, it is somewhat scary to think how many people committed suicide after they recovered from covid-19 but probably had enough kidney damage to result in temporary magnesium reabsorption issues that got exacerbated by caffeine… and yet the standard response for why this happened by medical researchers is unexplained or unknown.

Nutrition is the way the body stays alive. Doctors should know how to manage that or at least be able to answer questions on why it is so critical for preventing numerous diseases!

Seriously, glutamine will help heal up over 70% of stomach ulcers in 6 weeks, at 8 weeks that is over 90%, if I recall the research correctly. Yeah that would probably put most stomach and colorectal surgeons out of business! I’m pretty sure the ulcers would heal up even in the colon due to the glutamine research done on HIV AIDS patients in third world countries where they were able to put back on several kilograms of lean body mass after the normally terminal wasting stage of the disease set in, 15g of glutamine a day but that is still pennies a day compared to a death sentence!

The technical aspect of glutamine is that it takes a 15min or so to start getting absorbed and then gives your body about a 45min window of enhanced cellular activity levels and if you’re not working out during that window then your body will produce more cells, including fat cells for storing energy or whatever cells your body needs.

Alcohol which reduces the glutamine availability, due to how much glutamine is needed to handle the metabolizing of alcohol and its breakdown byproducts. And all of this research on alcohol consumption indicates it accelerates aging. So, by boosting muscle reserves of glutamine, you’re basically buffering the aging process, imo based on a ton of research. Increase your chances of surviving surgeries by increasing your muscle mass.

Look into the research on reduced hospital stays for elective surgeries and fewer post surgery complications when the IV drip included glutamine, it also reduced the loss of about 1-2% of the lean body mass (muscle cells were definitely being cannibalized!) to get to the glutamine in them.

People should probably try Choline in the form of Alpha GPC as a food supplement to help them calm down and focus. If they don’t see any improvement in that, they probably don’t need it. Long term deficiency results in low choline transporters in the neural tissue and that results in over excitation levels in the neurons due to a lack of acetylcholine, which if you look at the data on Parkinson’s and Autism research explains at least some of the damage being done. Long term aging shows similar drops with hearing difficulties and also a possible correlation to secondary tissue damage due to aging due to over excitement might explain why dopamine production cells start dying after burnout levels of activation, so there’s a lot of possibilities that could be involved but at least a major excitation inhibitor neurotransmitter going into deficiency levels might explain how some of the major damage occurs in these patients with different diseases