Tag 'Cuba'

Submitted 9 years 1 month ago by CultureWhiz.

Basics Many things that are "naturally" available to you are luxury in Cuba (like a cell phone). Access to internet is available but limited. Since the elder Fidel Castro passed power onto his younger brother Raul, Cuba has increasingly tried to emulate the Chinese system of political repression...

Submitted 9 years 1 month ago by CultureWhiz.

If you enjoy our brief summary of Cuba, then you will love our Ebooks and Guides, and that of our partners. We offer a deeper analysis of Cuban culture including appearance, body, personality, and overall vibe by socioeconomic class in an ebook. The ebook also includes a breakdown on the best Cuban...

Submitted 9 years 1 month ago by CultureWhiz.

Cuba is metaphorically as well as physically an island. The closed economy and difficult access make this culture a confusing mix of hard and soft -- the central government strictly controls the behavior of a laid-back people who party and go to the beach. The contrasts make for plentiful...

Submitted 9 years 1 month ago by CultureWhiz.

Cuba is the largest Caribbean island, with around 110,000 km2 (42,000 mi2) of land. The capital, Cuba, is also the most populous city, with over two million residents. The western part of the main island is where the larger plantations were historically located, while the east (or "oriente") is...

Submitted 9 years 1 month ago by CultureWhiz.

Cuba has 11 million people. Its population derives from a mix of Amerindian, Spanish, African, and other influences. Today, Cubans often have mixed descent. Socioeconomic status, as in many nearby countries, privileges people with fairer features. However, the people have a sense of unity across...