Bay of the Bones
Submitted 7 years 6 months ago by vlado.mitev.
Bay of the Bones
Bay of the Bones is reconstructed prehistoric settlement dating back to the 12th – 7th centuries BC, it is set onto a platform supported by wooden stakes. It is a new-open museum on water, there are exhibited the relicts of the wooden settlement found in water, there is a diving base as well some reconstructed fortresses f Roman Empire dating back to the 2nd century. There were found remains of 6000 stakes at a depth from three to give meters on this locality, which probably supported the same platform with 20 wooden huts onto it. According to the researches, this settlement occupied 8500 m2. Taking into consideration that it was built from wood, reed and mud, therefore these settlements were easily burnt and frequently rebuilt and this is because of the great stakes density. The platform was connected to the land by a movable bridge, which was erected during night in order to protect the settlement from animals and enemies. A part of the present settlements has been reconstructed, there are 7 huts built onto the platform which is set onto 1200 processed stakes in order to be more resistant and supportive, the interiors of the huts have also been reconstructed , which offers an interesting experience of the past way of living, there are exhibited some discovered ceramic objects and also there is aquarium made by stakes under water