Cultural beliefs in Poland
Submitted 9 years 2 months ago by CultureWhiz.
Polish national pride conflicts with their national shame. They are not a big country, but nevertheless it's the biggest and one of the oldest countries in the Central Europe. However, compared to other Western European countries they are considered third world.
They all want to use me.
The report status of civil society under the leadership of Janusz Czapinski shows that only 12% of Poles agree with the fact that "most people can be trusted" (Denmark, for comparison - as many as 66%). Only 16% of his countrymen by people mostly are wearing helpful. Still, despite the change of regime, so social lingering distrust of each other and to the state. Seller is a con Kowalski, rich thief, a politician is lying in the minds of mixed psychologist and television lying. Only 46% of Poles see in the activities of colleagues pure intentions. The common belief that "someone else wants to deceive me," leads to suspicion and inhibits the progress that is not possible with the current level of aversion to cooperation and mutual distrust in all environments
Suspicious parents, warped this cultural pathology, unconsciously mistrusted in their children sayings like "turkey thought about Sunday, and on Saturday he beheaded head", "safe than sorry", "would not jump goat." These cultural scripts, dating back to the communist period, are passed down from generation to generation and infect young mentality mismatched to the new reality - this is because the trust capital. For comparison, in Mexico child niesluchajace we often hear is, "How you will not listen, then someone will take you.
Lack of confidence deteriorates our social capital, preventing the construction of correct relationships, destroys the need for cooperation, undermines attempts to achieve the objectives of economic development. What is needed is a loud and systematic message that you can earn money honestly, have good intentions, to wish others well, enjoy their successes and achievements, positive support not only athletes, but also entrepreneurs and strangers, treat each other with respect and kindness
Money is a taboo.
According to the research 75% of Poles believe that big money can be made ??only acquaintances or combining. 20% say they are rich thief. Poles can not talk about money too (TNS report for Poland) - ashamed of up to half of the respondents, 30% feel then stripped, and 20% of the money talk is afraid. 48% had never asked for a raise, but only 1% of people are satisfied with how much you earn. Still dominated by the false belief that the rich - he stole, and the poor - because the victim (no matter whose: bad government, greedy businessmen, bad boss, bad luck etc.). We will not find in other languages ??Polish counterparts sayings' first million to be stolen "or" rich is a thief ".
It is not bad, it's fine.
An average Pole uses motivation reactive, taking action to only solution to existing problems. Their absence is treated as a target state. There are no symptoms of the disease means for him health (view contrary to the facts: 50% of the population is hypertensive and do not know it, running the risk of cardiac disease). The food is supposedly good enough if it does not have the stomach problems. No debt is regarded by many as the target state, although it should be individually defined wealth. Reactivity in their approach to life is a response to the problem and the lack of constructive creation of a world in which in the future would like to live. It significantly reduces the individual's living standards. No debt is not wealth, the absence of disease is not health, niekrzyczacy parent is not good enough, non-drinking husband should not be the target standard and the food nieprzyspieszajace metabolism does not have to be tasty. These low standards are ruthlessly exploited by unethical corporations (it is no secret that the food products in the international supermarket chains in Poland are of lower quality than their counterparts abroad), but grudges against them would be putting all the responsibility that every Pole should assume - waiting that "cheap is good", sign a sales judgment to themselves, hoping that you can have high quality for little money. As it is not bad, not good. To "good" is still far away. A reactive approach aimed at eliminating the problems is a historical habit. Poles in the last few hundred years, primarily undertake defensive operations.
This is why the nation is united only at the time of the appearance of a common enemy, and when it is gone, destroyed from the inside. The problem with the reactive approach is in fact no problem; then you need to find them. Pole Pole attacks then, unable to unite a common vision. On one hand you can count the politicians, who are able to talk about himself and his program, instead of attacking others. Showing that someone else is stupid, apparently alone out on the wiser. If someone else will seat about thievery, himself looks at the fair. This error is limited cognitive mental development of society, which focused on the denial of the problems is not focused on creating a target of reality.The solution requires a comprehensive business education and changing the incentive system of disposal problems Pole with a desire to create a target actually wider prosperity. It is thinking in terms of health, rather than the absence of disease, wealth, and not a lack of poverty, love, and not the lack of argument. It will also require changes in the way of information before the media with only negative to positive at least half, bringing employees learn next troubleshooting solutions and a shift in thinking from what they do not want to think about what you want.
In Poland it's easy to be a moron.
Just park your car in the wrong, wrong to change a word, make a typo in the text. This fetish master's degree (in Poland will be in a few years 50% of the population with a Bachelor OECD) leads to an empty "tytularstwa" based not on life skills, but textbook theories. Cynicism and conceited manner breathes with online exchange of views between the "higher spheres" as well as insults hejterów primitive. Covers the fundamental human kindness and faith in human goodness. Pointing out the error itself leads to endless arguments and prove themselves cause fear of committing them. There is only one step of not taking action. Meanwhile belief: if you disagree, you are wrong, it is a cognitive error. Differences of opinion are to develop, not sklócac. Such a big emphasis on academic background image covers the actual requirements of the market, which is dominated next hard skills, soft. Sale in Poland treated with neglect, is cited as the world's fifth most important skill workers. With coaching in England uses 80% of companies in Poland - only 15%. National branding is missing, so that was associated abroad with real resources characterizing the Poles: courage, excellent knowledge of English (currently in 6th place in the world), education, entrepreneurship. We must learn to sell their knowledge and skills so that loud on the basis of the facts speak for themselves.