Skupi - archeological locality

Submitted 7 years 5 months ago by vlado.mitev.

Skupi is an archaeological locality five kilometers northwest of Skopje, close to Zlokukjani village.

The archaeological researches from 1966 till now have been performed by the Museum of the City of Skopje.

The walls, the theatre, the civil basilica, the city wall, the city bath, the street cardo, Christian basilica as well as parts of east and west necropolis have been under research till now.

This Roman city was probably formed in the period from 13th to 11the century BC. During the 2nd century Skupi obtained representative image where the monumental theater took the central place.

In 4th century the increase of the construction activity was noted when the most representative construction – the Basilica was built, and through the end of the 4th century or in the beginning of the 5th century one more early Christian church was built. In 518 Skupi was ruined due to catastrophic earthquake thus breaking the urban life even through there are indication that the life in form of small Slav rural dwelling continued till the 1oth and 11th century.