Tag 'Russia'

Submitted 4 years 9 months ago by CultureWhiz.

When you're visiting Russia, it's helpful to discover the country's holidays so you can join traditions and understand culture in order to see the country in another dimension. Officially recognized Russian holidays include New Year's Eve, Christmas, Motherland Day Protector, International Women's...

Submitted 6 years 5 months ago by CultureWhiz.

For the majority of foreigners Russian and Ukrainian people are all the same. Well, they do share a lot in common i.e. Slavic origin, cultures and history. Many Ukrainian people live in Russia and many Russians live in Ukraine. But as many characteristics and customs of Canadians are different from...

Submitted 6 years 9 months ago by CultureWhiz.

Friends play extremely important part in the life of any Russian. In addition to the universal benefits of friendship, such as social support and companionship, friendship in Russia always helped to fight external forces. Friendship, especially in the Soviet times, was partly a substitute for...

Submitted 6 years 11 months ago by CultureWhiz.

Westerners trying to understand the Russian national character might start by looking in the home. A fundamental part of the Russian national character is the idea of communal living. Beginning in the early part of the 20th century, after the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, housing in the newly...

Submitted 6 years 11 months ago by CultureWhiz.

Russian dating is more traditional in that there is no casual dating scene like there in other countries. Most Russians date to find a significant other with idea of getting married. There is no concept of “hooking up,” “seeing each other,” or “hanging out.” For hundreds of years, the goal of young...

Submitted 6 years 11 months ago by Iskender.

Science tell us that we are attracted to people who are familiar to us. Most people will usually select a person of their own ethnicity as a partner. This works worldwide. While some people will select a partner of a different ethnicity there is a good number of people who will only consider...

Submitted 7 years 2 weeks ago by Iskender.

The Russian Federation and the United States of America are two countries that are proud of their rich and storied histories. These histories make for some very distinct social and cultural differences. While cultural differences in each nation tend to change depending on the region, this article...